New CD Release: A Salute To Ray Price & The Cherokee Cowboys
New CD Release:
A Salute To Ray Price And The Cherokee Cowboys
Fellow fans and friends of Justin...a few words in light of Justin's new CD... If there’s one name that’s synonymous with “shuffle,” it’s Ray Price. Nothing is truer to the tradition of country music than two-stepping to one of Ray’s beloved songs across an old oaken dance floor in an historic Texas dance hall. I am blessed to live in Texas and doubly so to have shuffled across the dance floor right in front of Ray himself before his passing. Yet, despite our loss of such an immense talent, Ray Price shuffles live on in Texas dance halls everywhere, every Saturday night.
Read more: New CD Release: A Salute To Ray Price & The Cherokee Cowboys

Justin Trevino Releases First Live Album
Justin Trevino
Releases First Live Album
Celebration planned for Hunter's Ball at London Dance Hall
What better place to capture his true Texas sound, but a dance hall? Heart of Texas recording artist Justin Trevino releases his first live album Saturday, November 7, 2015. The special occasion will take place at the same location for the recording, the legendary London Dance Hall.

New CD Release: Justin Trevino Sings Johnny Bush
New CD Release:
Justin Trevino Sings Johnny Bush
Johnny Bush often jokes with his audiences about the royalty checks he still gets from Willie Nelson for "Whiskey River," but he is a Texas legend for far more than that particular recording. He is widely revered for the innumerable times his many trademark songs have played on the air and in dance halls and honky tonks throughout Texas and beyond.